Clams casino rainforest ep download

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Clams Casino - Rainforest EP (2011) Clams Casino is Mike Volpe. Mike Volpe is known for the collaborative work he has done with Indie/Based rap sensation, Lil B. Until recently, Mike didn't really know how to make a song in 320kbps. This is a guy who searches for random sound files on Limewire so he can slow them down to a molasses-like crawl ...

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Clams Casino Rainforest EP - XLR8R

Rainforest | Clams Casino Rainforest by Clams Casino, released 27 June 2011 1. Natural 2. Treetop 3. Waterfalls 4. Drowning 5. Gorilla ... Contact Clams Casino. Streaming and Download help. If you like Clams Casino, you may also like: ... supported by 12 fans who also own “Rainforest” I love this album because it tickles my taint. dmoe. go to album. Everything Is Broke Clams Casino - Rainforest - Reviews - Album of The Year this is why clams casino is one of the best producers in the past 5 years or so. i know that this is a 5 year old project, but his sound now is so much stronger and bassier than what was found on this EP. these tracks could easily used by a rapper/singer to have verses put over, as they had consistent changes and chorus like parts to them. the last two tracks were a bit boring, but rainforest ...

Rainforest - EP Album Cover by Clams Casino

Clams Casino Rainforest EP - XLR8R Jun 23, 2011 · From the start, the Rainforest EP is a world unto itself, and "Natural"—quite possibly the loveliest production on the record—is a welcoming gateway. Distorted, low-bit-rate harp sounds and tectonic rumbles usher us into Clams Casino's lush landscape, a place where disembodied voices call out with moans from unknown locations, broken drum samples lurk behind tangled messes of audio Free Clams Casino Mixtapes @

Slap The Bass | Tag Archive | Clams Casino

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